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Mobile Device Security and Management

Mobile Device Management

Helping you deliver the best in IT Service...

Smart phones and tablets are driving a major paradigm shift in computing. For the first time we have powerful computing platforms with us and on at all times, and while they are not replacements for the personal or corporate PC or Laptop, we are increasingly expecting to be able to access our applications, data and services on these in exactly the way we would on a PC or Laptop. In short ‘deliver me what I need when I need it on whatever is  the most appropriate platform at the time.’

Symantec provide a comprehensive suite of Mobile Management and Security software. These can be delivered stand-alone or integrated into Symantec’s Altiris platform or Microsoft’s SCCM platform. Symantec also provides solutions to secure applications that access corporate data.

Mobile Device Management management

Airwatch mobile device management is solution of choice for many leading IT management solution providers including BMC and Matrix42. While it can be installed on-premise a high proportion of customers opt for the SAAS approach, to minimise the effort and resources required.

This is presenting a growing challenge to IT departments. How to control, manage and secure the use of these devices for work related activities without restricting personal use and when they could be anywhere in the world? Mobile Device Management helps address these issues.

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It is estimated that by 2015 there will be over one billion smart phones and almost 400 million tablets in use and only 250 million corporate PCs. Most will be personal devices and yet many owners will want to to use them for both personal and some level of work related activity...